To support job growth we must be pro-business. Without successful businesses the constituents of my district and the citizens of the state cannot prosper and the tax base to maintain the state's resources and investments for the future will suffer. I will be guided by the principles of fiscal responsibility and government transparency which I believe will provide a healthy and predictive climate for business interests.
- I will look for ways to partner with businesses associated with the tourist industry to increase Colorado's visibility as a destination of choice. There may be state incentives to help the private sector package tours, host conventions, and become more visitor friendly.
- I will look for ways to leverage Colorado's existing high tech capabilities as an attractive environment for green and high tech company locations.
- I will work to improve partnerships between Colorado's education institutions, government, financial institutions, and existing industry to provide a fast track for entrepreneurial ventures.
- I have a goal to make Colorado a clean energy exporter and a developer of high tech energy components and systems.
- I will work with companies both large and small to find the most efficient ways to implement regulations and reporting requirements.